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Match Making For Marriage

Match Making

Kundli milan, or kundli matching, is an important factor to consider when planning a wedding. Kundli matching, also known as Gun matching or matchmaking Kundli for Horoscope matching, is the first step toward marriage when the girl's and boy's Kundlis are matched to ensure the couple is compatible. For 1000s of years, the gun milan exercise has been a part of Indian culture, and it still is.

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Importance of Kundli matching?

Every human being who steps foot on this planet brings their own set of energies with them. And certain planets and zodiac signs govern each of these energy fields. You should have a completely different energy field than others because you are a unique individual. To put it another way, your energies or marriage line may or may not be compatible with those of others, which is what distinguishes you from everyone else.

This is where Kundli milan for marriage, also known as Kundli milan, horoscope matching, or Kundli gun milan, can help. As an ancient science, Kundli matching allows us to see if the energies we carry match or complement the energies of our partner or the one with whom we plan to tie the knot. To explain, Kundli milan for marriage shows us how compatible two people are, as compatibility is one of the most important characteristics that keeps two people together in the long run.

Kundli matching, also known as horoscope matching for marriage in Vedic astrology, takes into account both the planets' positions at the time of your birth and their current positions to determine how compatible two people are. Kundli matching is required to determine whether the planets' positions are likely or unlikely. For example, if Rahu is negatively positioned in one's Rashi (Rahu Mahadasha), it is not the best time for them to marry. Similarly, the Kundli matching process can help determine whether or not a girl or boy is Mangalik. And if one of them is, your Kundli can show you how the other person's Managalik dosha will affect them. Now some ways of matchmaking can be star matching for marriage, marriage life prediction by date of birth, horoscope compatibility for marriage, jataka matching for marriage.

Kundli matching for marriage

However, in recent years, the world has developed a very incorrect perception of Kundli matching. Kundli matching for marriage is a stumbling block for many couples, especially those who wish to marry for love. Many of them avoid the gun milan ritual because they are afraid of the questions that will arise if their Kundlis do not match. However, the couples' perception of Kundli matching is based on incorrect facts, or half-baked knowledge, that has been forced into their heads.

To be honest, astrology is never a source of contention in a relationship. Instead, if you talk to an astrologer about your relationship, they will only give you advice on how to improve it. Over the years, our astrologers have encountered a number of situations where a couple desperately wanted to marry but their Kundli did not match. Our astrologers, being understanding, resorted to sharing the best advice on how such couples should support each other after marriage in order to maintain a healthy relationship, even if their Kundlis don't match. Astrologers also taught them how to use remedies to compensate for their lack of compatibility. One of the best options can be online marriage matching. In order to get an idea of matchmaking online, you can go for free online astrology consultation for marriage at Astroliv.

What happens during Kundli milan?

In Vedic astrology, the entire process of horoscope matching is known as AshtaKoot Milan. Ashta refers to the number eight, and Kootas refers to the various categories. These eight groups of parameters represent various aspects of life. These eight parameters are used to assess a person's compatibility with another person. Each of these parameters has a certain number of points, totaling 36 gunas. The more gunas you have in common, the more compatible you are with the other person.

The following are the eight parameters or categories into which the points have been divided:

  1. Varna is the division of people into four groups: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras.
  2. Vashya - In Vedic astrology, the Vashya denotes power or dominance. Humans, Wild Animals, Small Animals, Waterborne Animals, and Insects are the five types of people classified by Vahsya.
  3. Tara is a term used to describe a person's compatibility with their birth star.
  4. Yoni - is the level of sexual compatibility between the two people.
  5. Rasyadhipati - This determines who is the zodiac's Lord.
  6. Dev, Manav, and Rakshasa are the three Ganas in Astrology.
  7. Rashi - This sign denotes a romantic relationship between two people. The Moon's exact position in the bride's and groom's horoscopes is taken into account in this category.
  8. The bride and groom's health is linked to Nandi - Nadi Koot. In astrology, the three Nadis are Vata (air), Pitta (bile), and Kappa (water) (phlegm).

How many Gunas should match?

In order for a marriage to be fruitful, it is thought that at least 18 gunas must match. More Gunas matches, then it would be good for the couple. When marriage Kundli does not match, an astrologer will study the position of the planets and the reasons for the lack of compatibility, and based on that, will be able to provide you with remedies to solve the problem of lack of Gun Milan.

Apart from that, Kundli matching can help determine whether a couple's match will result in Nandi dosha in their lives. For the uninitiated, Nadi Dosha is concerned with the difficulty of childbirth, which is one of the most common causes of family dissatisfaction. The couple may be unable to conceive if Madhya Nandi dosha is present. The reason for this is that Naadi represents a person's Prakriti (basic element). Vaata, Pitta, and Kapha are the three Prakritis. If both partners have the same Prakriti, the points obtained through Naadi will be zero, preventing childbirth.

As a result, it is always preferable to opt for gun milan or marriage Kundli milan so that you are aware of any potential problems in your relationship as well as solutions.

Best nakshatra combination for marriage

Refer to these nakshatra matching for marriage Here are best nakshatra combination for marriage:

  1. Rohini Nakshatra

    According to Hindu astrology, any couple marrying during the Rohini Nakshatra will have the best results. The Rohini nakshatra has the best combination of very nice people, prosperity, and marriage compatibility. Those who marry in the Rohini nakshatra are thought to be extremely fortunate.
  2. Mrigashirsha Nakshatra

    Mrigashirsha nakshatra is best for love and compassion marriages. Mrigashirsha is the nakshatra for you if you want a marriage full of love, joy, and happiness. It is said that couples who marry during this time have a very happy and fulfilling marriage.
  3. Magha Nakshatra

    Magha nakshatra is the best choice if you want a prosperous and successful marriage. Couples marrying during this nakshatra are said to receive all of the blessings of wealth and good fortune. Couples who marry during the Magha Nakshatra can expect a happy and harmonious marriage.
  4. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra

    The Uttara Phalguni nakshatra bestows all of the qualities that make a marriage successful. This is the best option for those marrying their second husband or wife, as it ensures a permanent and long-lasting union. If a couple marries during the Uttara Phalguni nakshatra, they will be blessed with friendship, happiness, love, and peace on their wedding day.
  5. Hasta Nakshatra

    Hasta Nakshatra is the best choice if you want a marriage filled with love and happiness. Couples marrying during this nakshatra will have good luck, peace, and prosperity. Hasta Nakshatra is said to be one of the happiest times for a couple to marry.

Frequently Asked Questions

Mangal dosha and Nandi matching are two of the most important parameters in Kundli matching, according to our astrologers.

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